• Music & Dance

    I Saw A Clown – CP3o

    CP3o – Carter Parker Trio hail from Wellington NZ and perform a mix of original songs and Trad Jazz covers, along with a few eclectic treats. They consist of: – Marian Carter: Vocals, Alto Sax; Clarinet; Tenor Recorder – Graham Parker: Bass, Vocals, occasional Piano – Barry Carter: Guitars, Banjo, Vocals + songwriter – Link to YouTube page to see 5 more videos

  • Documentary

    ARTSPACE – The Dream

    [1:54 mins]    Alfred Memelink is a Wellington based water-colour painter. In 2012 he bought a pair of building on the Petone foreshore with the view creating a long standing dream of opening a gallery. After failing an earthquake inspection the two buildings were torn down and a single new building built in their place, which I filmed with the view of using it in a documentary about Alfred, which was never completed. The grand opening of the gallery was officiated by the then mayor of Petone and took place in January of 2014.  Late in 2024 Alfred came back to me to ask if I could create a couple…

  • Documentary

    ARTSPACE – Expanding Rust

    [3:20 mins].    Alfred Memelink is a Wellington based water-colour painter. In 2012 he bought a pair of building on the Petone foreshore with the view creating a long standing dream of opening a gallery. After failing an earthquake inspection the two buildings were torn down and a single new building built in their place, which I filmed with the view of using it in a documentary about Alfred, which was never completed. The grand opening of the gallery was officiated by the then mayor of Petone and took place in January of 2014.  Late in 2024 Alfred came back to me to ask if I could create a couple…

  • Short Film


    [2:53 mins].   In this short movie, a young girl [Neenah Dekkers-Reihana] gives a pedophile [Noel Hayvice] an unexpected surprise when he corners her in a bus shelter. Writer  Producer  Director  Editor  Composer  Sound Editor/Mixer: Barry Carter 2007/’17

  • Short Film

    Rosy brown

    [6:49 mins].   In this short movie, we learn that revenge is lonely. Rosy [Nina Charlton] is tired of being bullied and pushed around by everyone just because she is small, so she goes to the annual arm-wrestling contest with an idea for revenge. Writer  Producer  Director  Editor  Composer  Sound: Barry Carter \\  Trailer [46 secs]   Editor: Barry Carter

  • Short Film


    In this short movie [13:55 mins], we learn that it is not only strangers whom we shouldn’t trust. Anna [Melissa Reeve] is always on the lookout for clues about her missing sister, Vanessa. When she runs into Phil [Roy McGuinness], an acquaintance of theirs, her investigation takes an unexpected turn, when she learns the consequences of not listening to her intuition. Writer-Producer-Director-Editor-Composer: Barry Carter This is the second short film Barry made and the fourth of his scripts to be produced into a film. The premise is an extension of his first film Prey, and although he got lots of help from many friends it is worth noting that he…

  • Short Film

    The Return

    In this short movie, we learn how easy it is to be misunderstood. With regret, a woman (Acushla Tara-Sutton), alone on a beach, tosses something into the sea, which results in her being pursued by a diver (Ben Fransham). [3:09 mins] Producer: Barry Carter    Music: Andrew Laking    Director-Editor: Gretchen Peterson    Writer: Jeremy Macey    Executive Producer: Sally Thorburn. A co Footpath Productions / E.A.T. (Emerging Artist Trust) production.

  • Documentary

    ARTSPACE – Concept to Creation

    [3:21 mins].    Alfred Memelink is a Wellington based water-colour painter. In 2012 he bought a pair of building on the Petone foreshore with the view creating a long standing dream of opening a gallery. After failing an earthquake inspection the two buildings were torn down and a single new building built in their place, which I filmed with the view of using it in a documentary about Alfred, which was never completed. The grand opening of the gallery was officiated by the then mayor of Petone and took place in January of 2014.  Late in 2024 Alfred came back to me to ask if I could create a couple…

  • Documentary

    Soldiers Road

    Footpath Productions are proud to have been involved in this great Loading Docs project by Louise Pattinson of Liminal Pictures with the help of Taaniko and Vienna Nordstrom and Soldiers Road Portraits. Soldiers Road Portraits seeks to reframe identity in an empowering way by connecting young Māori to their culture through art. The brainchild of Taaniko & Vienna they use writing, photography, and Maoritanga (a way of life through culture & tradition) to create stunning portraits to demonstrate how looking into the past can enrich the future. This Soldiers Road is about a group of young Maori at a crossroads. Kicked out of school and with many of their whanau…

  • Music & Dance

    Paddy the Wanderer

    The song of this music video is about an Airedale called Paddy that wandered the Wellington wharves throughout the 1930s in search of Elsie Glasgow, his three & half-year-old owner. Alas though, Elsie had contracted pneumonia and died and poor Paddy, whom she had named Dash, spent the rest of his life searching for her. He was adopted by the harbour board and set to wander the docks at night to keep ‘no-gooders’ at bay. He became well known by the wharfies, and ships’ crews’ that came regularly to the port. He would sometimes slip on board unseen as a ship cast off, and venture across the Pacific and back…

  • Short Film

    The Bench

    [5.04 min] A tramp (Ken Blackburn) meets a woman (Melissa Billington) on a park bench, and she gives him something to help him get his life back on track.  

  • Documentary

    Holy Places

    [2:26 mins] This excerpt is from the first of 3 pilot episodes for a planned TV series, which was to explore how different religions praise the leader of their spiritual enlightenment, define the guidelines to follow on their path to salvation, and the list of values to adhere to while traveling that path. The project was abandoned after the first episode from which this excerpt was taken where Ajahn Kusalo, Abbot of Bodhinyanarama Buddhist Monastery at Stokes Valley, talks about Buddhist values.   |   Editor  Camera: Barry Carter

  • Music & Dance

    Wonderful Wahine

    [music video] This original song, written & composed by pianist/singer-songwriter Cindy Muggeridge, is performed by The Raven Mavens from Wellington, NZ. It is to the memory of a good friend who died suddenly, leaving the message to take joy in the moment because life is shorter than we think. Editor-Director-Camera + Recording Engineer-Sound Editor, Sound Mixer: Barry Carter

  • z- BTS, Educational

    W.F.A. Teaches C.P.R.

    [1:43]  The vision of making Wellington NZ the safest city in the world in which to have a cardiac arrest is what prompted this promotional video for Wellington Free Ambulance, where a group of secondary school students is taught C.P.R.  |  Editor  Producer  Camera: Barry Carter

  • Documentary,  z- BTS, Educational

    Behind The Camera

    “Making of” videos are a good way to show what goes into the process of creating a film story. The following shows a ‘behind the scenes’ look at an ambitious feature-length mocumentary project by a couple of teenagers who shot every weekend for a year, or until shooting was completed. Spirit of a Reject is the story of a teenager who feels shunned by society & rejected by his peers and so lives a lonely, homeless existence. Spirit of a Reject

  • Music & Dance

    You Don’t Know My Mind

    [performance video] This performance video is an example of a low budget Performace Video using a single camera. It features Wellington NZ based duo ‘The Raven Mavens’ live in concert at The Mussel Inn, Takaka, NZ, with special guest Neil Billington harmonica. Camera   Editor: Barry Carter  

  • Music & Dance

    Step Out Dance Company

    [performance video] This video is another 2 camera example shot over two shows and edited to supplied sound files. These highlights are from the 2015 end of year recital, the third consecutive year we were asked to produce the end year recital video for Step Out Dance Company. – Editor: Barry Carter / Cameras: Barry Carter   Julian Ward   Marian Carter. [Example of Performance Video using two cameras.]

  • Music & Dance

    One Camera edited to look like Three

    [performance video  – excerpt    2:53] An example of a single, hand-held camera shot ‘guerilla style’ and edited to a two-track ‘grab’ of the live mix. An agency wanted a promotional video featuring 5 of its acts in 5-minutes but could only afford one camera – this excerpt features 3 of those acts. |    Editor   Music Editor   Camera: Barry Carter

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