B-Short Film

Fictional stories, events & characters portrayed in a manner that we can relate to in the real world.

  • B-Short Film


    In this short movie, a young girl [Neenah Dekkers-Reihana] gives a pedophile [Noel Hayvice] an unexpected surprise when he corners her in a bus shelter. [2:53] Writer  Producer  Director  Editor  Composer  Sound Editor  Sound Mixer: Barry Carter 2007/’17

  • B-Short Film


    In this short movie, we learn that it is not only strangers whom we shouldn’t trust. Anna [Melissa Reeve] is always on the lookout for clues about her missing sister, Vanessa. When she runs into Phil [Roy McGuinness], an acquaintance of theirs, her investigation takes an unexpected turn, when she learns the consequences of not listening to her intuition. Writer-Producer-Director-Editor-Composer: Barry Carter This is the second short film Barry made and the fourth of his scripts to be produced into a film. The premise is an extension of his first film Prey, and although he got lots of help from many friends it is worth noting that he undertook all…

  • B-Short Film

    Rosy brown

    In this short movie, we learn that revenge is lonely. Rosy [Nina Charlton] is tired of being bullied and pushed around by everyone just because she is small, so she goes to the annual arm-wrestling contest with an idea for revenge. Complete Film [6.49]  |  Writer  Producer  Director  Editor  Composer  Sound: Barry Carter 2014/’17 Trailer [46 secs]  |  Editor: Barry Carter

  • B-Short Film

    The Return

    In this short movie, we learn how easy it is to be misunderstood. With regret, a woman (Acushla Tara-Sutton), alone on a beach, tosses something into the sea, which results in her being pursued by a diver (Ben Fransham). [3:09] Producer: Barry Carter    Music: Andrew Laking    Director-Editor: Gretchen Peterson    Writer: Jeremy Macey    Executive Producer: Sally Thorburn. A co Footpath Productions / E.A.T. (Emerging Artist Trust) production.